Bailey's Crossroads & Seven Corners Urban Design Guidelines

The Volume II: District Design Guidelines for Baileys Crossroads and Seven Corners contains written and visual ideas for the design of streets, open space features, lighting, and street furnishings, and describes how innovative sustainable design practices can be used to foster a unique sense of place. The Volume II: District Design Guidelines is a companion document to the Volume I: Urban Design Guidelines for Fairfax County Revitalization Districts and Areas.

Project Highlights

Volume II: District Design Guidelines for Baileys Crossroads and Seven Corners was endorsed by the Board of Supervisors at the November 20, 2018 hearing. Links to the document are available below.

Staff will continue to conduct outreach to ensure that county agencies, community stakeholders and landowners are informed about the urban design recommendations for Baileys Crossroads and Seven Corners and understand how to implement the guidelines in new projects.

Urban Design Guidelines for Bailey's and Seven CornersVolume II: Urban Design Guidelines for Bailey's Crossroads & Seven Corners

Complete Document

Chapter 1: Cover, Table of Contents and Introduction

Chapter 2: District Vision and Open Space

Chapter 3: Site Design

Chapter 4: Street Network

Chapter 5: Public Realm Elements

Summary of Revisions Incorporated into the Final Document

As a result of community feedback, revisions were made to the Guidelines and options for streetscape paving, benches, trash receptacles, and street lighting materials were added to Chapter 5 of the District Design Guidelines.

Review the Summary of Changes to Volume II for more information on stakeholder comments that resulted in document revisions.

Reston Streetscape

For More Information:

JoAnne Fiebe
Program Manager; Office of Community Revitalization

Phone: 703-324-9300